Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Que en el mundo....

What is life.

I'm living in a literal postcard. It is so unreal here. I'm in Chamelco... I think? I don't understand anything but I think I'm still in Guatemala! My backyard is the jungle and my front yard is something like a city.. I don't really know what to call it. Every building is a different color and looks like it will fall to the ground at any second. There are nasty stray dogs everywhere, kekchi women carrying 100 lbs of flowers and vegetables on their heads, and people gawking at the white kid trying to speak spanish haha! You'd think I was an alien or a unicorn or something.  Some men here are very condescending, rude, and inappropriate. I get called out every few seconds and people tell me to get in their taxis. I hear a lot of "canchita!" and "whoaa.." a few days ago a drunk man was yelling at me and my companion and I didn't know what he was saying but my comp said it was inappropriate. 8 hours later he found us, unbelievably more drunk, and apologized for the things he said.. haha I'll take it I guess. Kids are always walking around with machetes, I've seen enough ladies breastfeeding for my lifetime, the elders' investigators hit on me, there are constantly scary marches going on by a bunch of people, there are bomb noises all night long, and the weather is bipolar! Welcome to Guatemala Hermana "Chetz". :)

Moral of the story is, yes I'm alive family haha! Sorry I couldn't write last week. Last tuesday morning I packed up my stuff at 5 in the morning and got on a bus to Coban! And yes, half of the latinos in the CCM think I will be their wife after the mission hahaha. I got to Coban, had some meetings, met my trainer, and went to my house!

My companion is Hermana Hernandez, she is such a sweetheart. I feel so bad for her, I don't understand a word she says. She seems like she would be really funny if I could understand her though! Our house is so nasty haha. It is just us two living there and it is FREEZING. I didn't bring a blanket so at night I wear three pairs of clothes to sleep in hahaha. I finally figured out how to get warm water to come out when I shower.. I didn't understand her a few days ago when she told me the first time haha. Food..... don't ask. I couldn't tell you what it is nor could I explain what it tastes like. I've been pretty sick, the nurse thinks I already have a parasite but yanno it's awwwl good.

Yesterday I wasn't able to work at all because I was feeling pretty sick. I went to church in the morning and tried to understand what was going on.. I didn't know it was Easter until I logged on today and saw everyone's emails about it. People in church were saying it was Jesus's Birthday haha! Close enough right? Anyways, I was laying in the bed of a member in our ward while she was watching some black and white horror movie in English that was swearing like crazy thinking "what is going on right now.." The Elders came and gave me a blessing and I slept for the rest of the night. I feel fine today though, don't worry mama! The priesthood is real and the church is true :)

As far as the teaching goes right now, everyone is very uninterested, members included. We don't have any support but hopefully things pick back up this week when people come home from vacations.

I'm going to go try to send pictures because I have no idea how much time I have left but if I think of anything else to say I'll do my best to save time! I love you all so much. Thank you for your encouraging words. Things are hard but I know they will get better! Miss you all and I hope you all are having an amazing spring break!

Mom and Dad: You spoiled me. I don't know how to live on my own hahaha

Barrett Erin and Lily: Norway, seriously?? You are all brave and I'm so jealous. You know what that means for me when I come home? Vacation to Norway!

Isaac: In case you don't have enough Mexican girls wanting to marry you, you now have plenty of ladies in Guatemala who would be happy to marry you. Hahaha everyone thinks you are muy guapo and want to come find you. Watch out, I think they're serious.

Porter: I'm so jealous of your trip this week! Miss you and tell Mckell hello!

Sophie: You're crazy. Don't get kidnapped in St George this time like we almost did last time!! haha love you!

Talk to you soon family! Hasta Lunes!

Con amor,



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